Amphiphilic cyclolinear organosilicon polymer able to the self-organization in mass and monomolecular films Langmuir - Blodgett, the liquid crystalline stereoregular organosilicon cycle monomer compounds and the comb-like liquid crystalline polymers able to the polymesomorphic transitions, polycycle organosilacycloalkanes and organosilaoxycycloalkanes, as the precursor of silicon carbid and silicon carbide oxide ceramics.
It is carry out the preparation of cyclolinear organosilicon polymers contents the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fragments: the cycle and bridge in the main cyclolinear polymethylsiloxane chain. It is found critical correlation between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fragments in methylsilacycloalkanes units, which the monomolecular films were formed of the thickness approximately 10Å on the boundary water/air. The liquid crystalline comb-like cyclolinear polymers were synthesized with the side mesogenic groups which the formation monomolecular films Langmuir on the surface water.
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