Head of the laboratory: Dr.Sc. Konstantin A. Kochetkov
Phone |
7-499-135-5033 |
The Analytical Exploration Unit of the GREOS Laboratory, A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, is specialized in performing GLC and HPLC analyses of organic and organoelement compounds and materials based on them (e.g., trace analyses of biological samples for dicarboxylic and fatty acids, analysis of enantiomeric amino acids, etc.). New analytical procedures are developed if necessary.
Professional skills of the Analytical Exploration Unit staff guarantee fast order performance and the accuracy and high reliability of results.
Mailing Address:
Dr.Sc. Konstantin A. Kochetkov, GREOS Laboratory, A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 28 st. Vavilova, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation.