Address: |
Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS), Vavilova St., 28, bld. 1, 119334 Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: |
+7(499)135-6492 |
Fax: |
+7(499)135-5085 |
Email: |
website address: | |
Brief historical background
The Laboratory for Cryochemistry of (Bio)Polymers has been organized in 1994 at the Institute of Food Substances, Russian Academy of Science. In 1996 the Lab became a division of the A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS).
The main directions of academic studies
Research of chemical and physico-chemical processes in frozen macromolecular systems, investiga-tions of the phenomena of cryo-induced denaturation of biopolymers and cryomechanical cracking of macromolecules, study of the processes of cryochemical synthesis of polymers and cryochemical modification of pendant chains of polymers, study of composite polymer-containing ices, and, espe-cially, the exploration of the cryotropic gelation phenomena (cryostructuring of polymer solutions and colloid dispersions).
Applied fields of interest
Development of high-efficient macro- and supermacroporous polymeric carriers for the immobiliza-tion and encapsulation of molecules and cells (immobilized biocatalysts), preparation of biomedical materials, development of cryogenic technologies for the production of cryotextured foodstuffs or re-structured leather wastes, etc.
- Chemical Enzymology Department (head, Prof.S.D.Varfolomeev, team leader Dr. E.N. Efremenko), Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University, Moscow: the creation of immo-bilized biocatalysts (entrapped cells, immobilized enzymes).
- Laboratory of Polymer Physics (head, Prof. A.R.Khokhlov), Physical Faculty of Moscow State University, Moscow: engineering of AB-copolymers, “smart” gel systems.
- Laboratory for Asymmetric Catalysis (head, Prof. Yu.N.Belokon’), Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: the development of immobilized enzyme biocatalysts for the operation in water-poor organic media (the Project has been fin-ished).
- Laboratory for Protein Systems (head, Prof. V.Ya.Grinberg), Institute of Biochemical Phys-ics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: calorimetric studies of the thermosensitive pol-ymers and cryogels.
- Biotechnology Laboratory (head, Dr. A.P.McHale), The University of Ulster, Londonderry, UK: the creation of immobilized biocatalysts on the basis of cryogel-entrapped cells (the Project has been finshed).
- Unilever Colworth Research Laboratory, Bedford, UK: sponsored project on the cryogeni-cally-caused effects in biopolymer systems (the Projects has been finished)
- Department of Biotechnology (head, Prof. B.Mattiasson), Center for Chemistry and Chemi-cal Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden: synthesis and studies of stimuli-responsible polymers and cryogel-based polymer materials for biotechnology (the Projects has been finished).
- Department of Chemistry (head, Prof. V.S.Parmar), University of Delhi, Delhi, India: the development of immobilized enzyme biocatalysts for the operation in water-poor organic media (the Project has been finished).
- Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds (head, Prof. A.A.Bogdanov, tem leader Prof. I.Yu.Filippova), Chemical Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow: peptide syn-thesis in organic media catalyzed by the enzymes immobilized in/on cryogel-type carriers.
- Laboratory for Biocoordination Chemistry (head, Prof. I.Ya.Levitin), Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: the processes of cryopolymerisation of unsaturated monomers in moderately-frozen solutions (the Project has been finished).
- Laboratory of Obesity and Diabetes Research (head, MD P.Vardi, team leader Dr. K.Bloch), Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel-Aviv University, Petakh-Tikva, Israel: the use of cryogel-type scaffolds for cell culturing.
- The Laboratory of Alkanotropic Microorganisms (head, Prof. I.B.Ivshina, team leader Prof. M.S.Kuyukina), Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Perm Scientific Cen-ter of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm’: the development of carriers for the immobilisation of alkanotropic microorganisms used in bioremediation processes.
- Department of Microbiology (head, Prof. O.N.Il’inskaya), Kazan State University, Kazan’: the development and study of supermacroporous affinity matrices for separation of microorganisms.
- Polymer Gel Research Cluster Center (head, Prof. W.S.Lyoo), Yeungnam University, Daegu, S.Korea: the development of polymeric cryogels on the basis of high-molecular-weight precursors (the Project has been finished).
- Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers (head, Prof. A.F.Vanin), Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: the development of stabilized (by polymers) forms of dinitrosyl iron complexes.
- Laboratory of Molecular Biotechnology (head, Prof. D.S.Naroditsky), N.F.Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow: the use of cryogel-type materials for cell culturing.
- Deparment of Biotechnology (head, Prof. M.D.Stanescu), Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania: the development of carriers for the immobilisation of enzymes used in bioremedia-tion processes (the Project has been finished).
- Department of Biochemistry (head, Prof. A.Yu.Petrenko), Institute for Problems of Cryobi-ology and Cryomedicine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine: the use of cryogel-based scaffolds for culturing of stem cells.
- Polymer Department (head Prof. N.R.Kil’deeva), A.N.Kosygin Moscow State Textile University, Moscow: the study of the chitosan cryotropic gelation.
- Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University (Prof. O.Okay), Istanbul, Turkey (Department of Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) — synthesis and study of biocompatible cryogels.
- Department of Biomaterials (Head Prof. Ya. O. Mezhuev ), D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow: development and research of cryogels for bio-medical purposes
- Department of Technology of Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products (Head Prof. A.N. Kuskov), D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow - development and research of hydrogels and cryogels for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
- Laboratory of Biomedical Materials (Head Prof. E.A. Markvicheva), M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow - development and study of cryogel- based matrices for tissue engineering
- Department of Consequences of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Purulent Complications (Head, Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Tsiskarashvili), N.N. Priorov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Moscow: development of systems with controlled release of medicinal preparations for orthopedics
- LLC "Lekarstvennye Tekhnologii" (CEO D.L. Shobolov ), Khimki, Moscow Region - de-velopment embolizing and chemoembolizing microspheres.
- Department of Chemical Kinetics (Head: Prof. M.Yu. Melnikov) Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University - production and study of hybrid biomedical nanomaterials.
List of staff and research areas
Name |
Region research |
Phone, fax |
E-mail |
Lozinsky V.I., PhD, D. Sc
Chemical and physico-chemical aspects of the flow in frozen macromo-lecular systems |
+7(499)135-6492 |
Porozhko E.A., PhD
Composite cryogels, Biomedical materials |
the same |
Kolosova O.Yu., Ph.D.
Drug-carrying cryogels |
the same |
Yamskova O.V., Ph.D.
Proteinaceous cryogels |
the same |
Krasnov M.S., Ph.D.
Biomedical evaluation of the materials based on cryogels |
the same |
Michurov D.M., Ph.D.
Complex (double-polymeric) cryogels |
the same |
Kulakova V.K., Dipl.Eng.
Physicochemical research cryogels |
+7(499)135-1385 |
Kurmanova V.E., Master student
Study of covalently-cross-linked cryogels |
Goryainova T.A., Technician
Projects and grants since the laboratory’s establishment (1994)
Since the laboratory was founded (1994), the following dissertations have been defended
List of publications since the Laboratory formation (1994)